Environment is our surroundings in which we live. In other words, environment may be defined as a habitat in which the living and the non-living coexist, interact, and influence each other. When we look at our surroundings, we can see main elements of soil, water and air, as well as plants, animals, other creatures living together, and most importantly humankind, as complementary elements. These are indispensable aspects of the environment.
Humans toned to make use of environment in order to exist. However, exploitation of the environmental has surged and peaked as humanity continues to explore and develop. We, as humans are face to face with overconsumption and the rapid decrease of nonrenewable natural resources. These resources are consumed to fuel new development, and to create millions of products. While we are rapidly consuming nonrenewable resources, we have come to be confronted with the phenomenon of pollution. It is a well-known fact that neither air nor water and soil pollution happens spontaneously. Mankind risks the future of the earth and the life on it by polluting the environment, at times intentionally but without taking into account the consequences, and at times unintentionally. Environmental pollution first emerged in overpopulated urban and industrial centers with rapidly growing populations, and rapidly spread around the world.
With regard to environmental pollution, a tremendous responsibility and duty rests on all segments of the society, from the basic unit of family to local governments, and citizens of all ages and walks of. As such, individuals must be aware of their responsibilities and act accordingly so that current and future generations may breathe fresh air, drink clean water, enjoy the open air, and grow abundant and fertile crops. Anyone who cares for the future must strive to preserve the environment. And the preservation of the environment depends upon individual responsibility and environmental awareness.
For the development of environmental consciousness, companies abide by their duties defined in environmental regulation, and also implement ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System. In addition, in line with the Climate Change Action Plan published in 2012 for the 2011-2023 period, companies are making necessary efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 21%, from 1,175 million tons to 929 million tons of CO2 by 2030.